"Researchers from diverse disciplines have identified chronic pain as a critical national problem. Despite its preponderance, however, definitive diagnosis of benign chronic pain is usually elusive and direct medical intervention is often ineffective. Stressing self-management, Drs. Hanson and Gerber offer an alternative approach to biomedical management or simply "learning to live with
it' by presenting a comprehensive description of an integrated treatment approach for chronic pain sufferers.
The biopsychosocial perspective on the assessment and treatment of chronic pain that is described in this volume is based on the day-to-day operation of an effective outpatient pain clinic that evaluates clients, about 1/3 of whom are treated in an intensive 21-day patient program. The book opens with an explication of a theoretical model and a detailed description of its clinical implementation. The model's application with patients is described with emphasis on the need for a flexible theoretical approach and individualized treatment, which may include psychotherapy as an integral part of the self-management paradigm."
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